1. An appetizer platter consisting of tuna salad salad, also peppered, rare beef, eggplant with a sort of BBQ sauce , pickled (?) fish, and a really yummy, beautiful thing that seemed to include couscous and was wrapped with raw fish and onion (I think, maybe; anyway, you can't see it as it's behind the tuna salad salad).

2. A nabe pot of mussels, carrots, bacon, enoki and shiitake mushrooms, and Chinese cabbage.

3. Shrimp, calamari, and daikon in a chicken, um...glaze? (it was the consistency of a really thick Chinese sweet-sour soup, and you can see the chicken bits floating around in it).

4. Pickled vegetables.

5. Red Snapper, mmmm!

6. Yuzu Sorbet for dessert.

The meal was delicious. Interestingly, it was also required. You see, normally, when making reservations to stay at a ryokan, you can opt out of dinner. However, today is the beginning of the winter holiday season, so the ryokan required everyone to have dinner. But we figured if we were going to have a vacation and stay at a nice place, we may as well pay the extra ¥3000/person and enjoy ourselves. And so we did.