On our way from the train through the bamboo grove, it began to rain. The wind picked up so we could hear the bamboo trees knocking against each other.
When we made it into town, we picked up some overpriced cheap umbrellas to stop the rain (works every time) and then we sauntered over to view the famed Arashiyama Bridge, which looked better than it did last fall when we visited with Brandon, but still wasn't as breathtaking as it is in the postcards. I found out that in summertime, the area around there is popular for comorant-fishing. That's something I'd like to see--they go out at night in torch-light, and let the birds fish for them. The birds are kept on a leash and a ring is slid around their throats so they can only swallow the little fish, the big ones they bring back to the men in the boats.
We also had an opportunity to pick up some of the best koroke I believe I have ever had. While it didn't last long enough for the camera to get a shot, we did happen across a charming lawn decoration that I couldn't pass up. I believe these are three Jizo statues, but I am not sure whether or not there is any symbolism in their gestures or accessories.

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