Said to be done during his Shiftwork Period, Dad's "Snif" conveys a message of harmony and universal understanding through juxtaposition of class-conscious, bourgeoise meta-norms (personified in the angular geometry of two dogs meeting for the first time) with a mundane, relativistic narrative of power-struggle and information-exchange symbolised via the spatial relationship of dynamic forms wrought by the force of the artist's deft penstrokes. The fine draftsmanship of the work belies the primal ruggedness of its overall message while slyly obfuscating the almost too obvious normative approach to pen-and-ink drawings taken by the artist to this theme (an approach said to be definitive of his style during that period).

Dad totally enjoyed this blog and came to it many times to just stand and look and LOL! You made our day (-^^
Finally, art that my simple senses can appreciate!
I'm a Bing Cherry!
No you're not!
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