Friday, June 16, 2006

Trial and error

Lately I have been perusing the various methods of sharing pictures on this blog. While uploading hi-definition stills is always a safe bet, I wanted to take a look at slideshows, perhaps to up my readership (who knows?).

So the previous entries used RockYou (or is it YouRock? I can't remember) and this one is from Bubbleshare.


Anonymous said...

All this time I have been reading Laurie's BLOG and I didn't know that you had one! Silly me.

Say, while you are in Japan do you think you could learn how to use a Katana correctly? Then you could teach me when you get back! ^_^

Anonymous said...

are the stain glass windows also in Toke Station?

grubedoo said...

BubbleShare is much better because it gives the user control.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes...control.