We walked from Togane to the beach a few weekends back, and on the way encountered a plethora of creatures, including (but not limited to) several varieties of spiders, a snake, and other odd looking bugs. This first one looked alot like a flying spider when we first came upon it, but judging by the photo, I'm now more inclined to think of it as a bee. So we settled upon calling it a Spider-Bee due to its possible eight legs (not to be confused with Spelling Bee - haha).
The caterpillar was cute. Probably it will decimate some entire species of plant this year, along with its mates.
This spider is the freakiest. If you want to go to bed with a case of the willies, click on the picture to enlarge it, and see it in all its fuzzy, wooly glory. Its body was easily the size of a good shot-glass, which is big, for spiders.
Another spider with a sort of mummified-skeleton-with-two-fangs look, sporting this year's fashionable yellow and white stripes. I see this kind a lot.
This last spider was caught making dinner, so the picture isn't as clear as the others, but you should be grateful for that. It's speed and the way it manipulated its victim were enough to creep me out. Just be happy I'm not posting the video.
...And then just this morning, we went for a walk through Showa-no-Mori down to Konakaike Park and around the rice paddies there, during which time we encountered some really tiny frogs.
...and a beetle. I'm not sure of the name for this kind, but I know you can buy them in stores for pets. They're also popular in a video game called ムシキング, or King of Beetles, which is a hyper-simplified fighting game (think Street Fighter II but with less buttons!) that kids love to play.
holy smokes! that beetle-thing is huge!!! and so is the caterpillar! those are really incredible pictures -- do you have a zoom on your camera or are the spiders really big too? (and are they poisonous??!)
Mapache- My camera is a Nikon Coolpix 5200. Among its other useful features, it has a "macro" ability. So it sort of reverses how it uses its lens in order to take pictures up-close. I use this more than any other function, I think, because I love the feel of a good closeup. It gets me into such a good mood that I become bold and find myself doing scary things, like getting close to ickey bugs and stuff.
yeah, those spiders look pretty ready to leap out at you.....!!!! eek!
have you ever heard of a camel spider? they're huge, like the size of a dinner-plate, and their venom is like a very strong novocaine. what they do is they bite you when you're asleep, and it anesthetizes you, and then they slowly slowly nibble away... i read that you might wake up and a big piece of your leg will be gone. gobbled up. horrifying!!!! spiders totally completely give me the willies, but i think that yellow-stripey one is pretty. :)
ps. 'tis a nice camera... my manual, in order to zoom, you had to pop off the lenses...then you could hold it as close as you wanted to, but it was VERY hard not to make it blur like that...
Wow, that's a lot of gross bugs!
Nice picturs. I like them.
holy smokes! that beetle-thing is huge!!! and so is the caterpillar! those are really incredible pictures -- do you have a zoom on your camera or are the spiders really big too? (and are they poisonous??!)
Oh, and I believe the beetle is called a Rhino Beetle.
My camera is a Nikon Coolpix 5200. Among its other useful features, it has a "macro" ability. So it sort of reverses how it uses its lens in order to take pictures up-close. I use this more than any other function, I think, because I love the feel of a good closeup. It gets me into such a good mood that I become bold and find myself doing scary things, like getting close to ickey bugs and stuff.
yeah, those spiders look pretty ready to leap out at you.....!!!! eek!
have you ever heard of a camel spider? they're huge, like the size of a dinner-plate, and their venom is like a very strong novocaine. what they do is they bite you when you're asleep, and it anesthetizes you, and then they slowly slowly nibble away... i read that you might wake up and a big piece of your leg will be gone. gobbled up. horrifying!!!! spiders totally completely give me the willies, but i think that yellow-stripey one is pretty. :)
ps. 'tis a nice camera... my manual, in order to zoom, you had to pop off the lenses...then you could hold it as close as you wanted to, but it was VERY hard not to make it blur like that...
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