I went to Showa-no-Mori this morning and took a few pictures (okay, like, forty) of the plum trees which are blossoming now. If I didn't have a stuffy, runny nose and sinuses more tightly packed than a 7 o'clock commuter train from Shinagawa to Shinjuku, I would be able to tell you about how wonderful the scent was. But as it happened, I could barely smell anything. Just a second of sweet cinnamon and then it went static on me. Even that was enough to recall those times when I haven't had a head cold. Simply put: Ume blossoms are better than any other blossoming of any plant I can think of, year-round. They even beat out the lilac bushes in Grandma's backyard in summertime. I swear, if Heaven gets fashioned for each of us differently, mine will have a giant grove of always blossoming plum trees somewhere near the entrance...
On a different subject...
I'd thought I'd finally found a great place to upload photos online in Picasa. I tend to like everything Big Brother Google does for us, because Google likes to do things massively and freely (take Blogger, for instance, or Gmail). However, I just found out that my limit for pictures there is 250MB and they do something funny with their compression (I know because the buds in the top photo of this post should be much deeper red and the contrast and saturation levels are muddied somewhat on all the photos compared to the originals). Turns out I'd have been better off with Flickr because there I have no limit so long as I only upload so much per month. I don't like Flickr, though, because Yahoo! owns it and the more Yahoo! touches stuff the less useful and more Spam-filled it gets. Alas...
Is there no company out there who will give me unlimited uploads forever and charge me nothing? And have all the best options and add-ons? And do my ironing?
Unfortunately there isn’t, to my knowledge, any site that will do everything you want for free. If you’re looking for something like Picasa or Flickr, you might want to also look at webshots (www.webshots.com) as it functions in a similar way. I also know a number of folks that swear by Bubble Share (www.bubbleshare.com) though I can honestly say that I’ve never used it before.
If you’d like, I have some web space that I could use for something like this. Let me know if you’re interested. Wouldn’t be difficult to set up.
Interested. Totally.
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