Thursday, August 30, 2007

The End Is A Beginning

The question has been asked what will I do with the blog now that we're no longer in 土気 (Toke), so after giving it months of thought, I've decided to do two things: 1) I will no longer post on present happenings in this* blog; however, 2) I fully intend to post retroactively in order to flesh things out a little more. To accomplish the second aim, the content for posts will come from various sources--journal entries, moleskin scribbles, photo libraries, receipts, and video. The idea is to develop a well rounded adventure that will provide interested parties with information/education/entertainment for some time to come. It will also serve as a good testing-ground for various blog add-ons. I want to make it more beautiful, more user friendly, more interactive, more resourceful.

A big virtual hug to you for spending some of your time with this blog. And a hug to Google/Blogger for making it possible to stay in touch with so many people while we were abroad. Japan wasn't nearly so far away as it was in 2001.



*I do plan on beginning another blog somewhere, sometime in the future, and when I figure out the details probably this blog will link to it.

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