Today is June 1st.
The past two days were rainy, cloudy, and cool. This morning, of a sudden, decided to change that into clear and mildly hot. By afternoon, Japan was back to its characteristic humidity. It's the kind of persistent humidity that never fails to bring to mind how a frog must feel. Not quite sticky, not quite slimy. Not completely uncomfortable, but certainly not comfortable. This kind of weather is the kind where, unless you're going to get sweaty via workout or hard labour, there is no perfect set of clothes to wear, because no matter what you choose, it won't feel right after twenty minutes anyway.
But lest that sound like a complaint, it's only going to get hotter. And stickier. And more humid.
Really though, it's not so bad. Myself, I've resolved to get used to it and I figure if I exercise enough then when I go shower it'll feel like I'm drying off, and when I dry off I'll feel like there's a cool breeze blowing.
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This morning I began familiarizing the first year students with a vocabulary exercise. Basically, students stand in a group and pass a ball around. The person with the ball must choose an adjective and pass it to someone else, who in turn must say the opposite adjective (hot / cold, pretty / ugly, etc.). It seemed to go over well.
Also, Harada 先生 was kind enough to scrounge up an extra internet cable, so now Louise and I don't have to share. Immediately upon receiving it I ran a software update and I feel much better. Now if only I had wireless...
The photo library is presently undergoing reorganization, so I won't be adding any pictures for a little while. In seven months we've taken over five gigabytes of photos, and it's recently become a necessity to plan out a storage-retrieval scheme. I can only imagine what other people go through. I know a guy who takes three or four times as many photos and keeps up a website to boot.