Found this today at the Devil's Dictionary. For some reason I thought it was funny. It reminded me of a very productive hour I spent in philosophy class once. Something about Hegel, I think.
That, and I was just reading peoples' online opinions about the latest news from Apple (they are switching to Intel chips). Of course that was a rabbit trail which led to another set of opinions about the slow death DRM (Digital Rights Management) is causing the Fair Use / Creative Commons community.
But that has relatively little (if anything) to do with life here at Toke.
* * *
Today's classes were Monday's classes. That's because yesterday (Monday) we didn't have class.
Why not?
Well, because we had Tuesday's classes on Saturday.
Yup. On Saturday we had 4th, 5th, and 6th periods from Tuesday's classes during the same time that we normally have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods during the weekdays.
We had class on Saturday so that parents could come and see what they are like (it had something to do with the PTA I think). As Murphy's Law would have it, I had nothing to do from noon until 4 except be at work (the weather was lovely), and nobody came to observe the classes I was in!
もったいない. [That's Japanese for "such a waste"]
But I had a really great time with the students. For whatever reason it didn't seem to register with them that they were in school on a weekend. (All I can say to that is, when I was in school, weekends were sacrosanct. You couldn't get me to take classes on a weekend. That was a special kind of punishment.) So it was actually really productive. We did a warmup game and some brainstorming, and their enthusiasm seemed to really spark their interest in the lesson at hand. It was just the thing to raise my spirits, too. I actually didn't mind going into work after that. And sitting around all afternoon wasn't too bad, either, since there's always more lessons to plan and papers to shuffle.